Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Trek Web Story: How Chimera 06 Quit in 2013

This is an old reposted article but it stands to illustrate the musings of a blogger who intended to buy out Steve Kurtzner and revive TrekWeb, since nobody else offered what he did, to run it for free! 

My 2013 Trekweb story as TrekWeb was an odd duck
My 2013 Trekweb story...TrekWeb was an odd duck, but I liked it and stuck with it since starting there in the 2000s. It still exists though, but nobody is running it, just the stragglers who kicked off all those who suggested they could run it better. It seems with that even GK was not in the running, which is incredibly shortsighted. It looks like SK never actually made a deal with him, not that he flipped out, and he flipped out later because he was shunned for even suggesting he could run it better. Then there was the odd offer I joked about, immediately shot down as though I was a crazy person. The resulting flame war was irrelevant as I wasn't posting any longer and my account had been hijacked. (Noted when I came here on my first days in 2013). GL and Arcangel closed the account and locked it (as the blogger apparently posted defamatory stuff unknown to me). Ironically once I had gone, and several of my connections, the site completely died, but still is open as a link. The Facebook site they had confirmed the odd behavior wasn't from me, but from some angry blogger who had mad skills, and then GL closed the Facebook after a call from SK. I did not make an offer as one of those who could have run it. What I had originally offered, about when GK did, was that I was willing to help edit it. SK emailed me no, he was not interested, via that facebook.
Posted 10th March 2015 by On Location Kat Web Site.

Monday, December 2, 2013
I am the Editor
Kneel before my awesome power! Heh. I control this blog totally. I have been freed from the confines of the dead blog called trekweb and have come here to have my own rants.

Note that I haven't been on trekweb in some time, but that I have run interference recently for someone I thought was a friend posting, but it turns out he was not piosting for a month. Someone had hacked the account.

Like I would have literally three days to just kill making up bull on a web site for kicks. I don't even want to take over trekweb. That person was obviously not me.

When I tried to get on using this password last night, to erase all the crazy crap he allegedly said, I was locked out. Have been all day.

Gus from the facebook site says it's dead other there, so I will not pursue it, except to say that my friend nor I are posting. Whomever has hacked my other channels and is messing with the former site, chimera06, and changed it to chimeralives, is not us.

One of the oddest rants there was that he claimed to be me, after having taken some stuff off the online sites around here. I am quite present on the net. He could have just read stuff. Then apparently he removed his own rants, causing those who replied in earnest to look foolish.

I was locked out still today, and went to my other site on trekcore to inform them of this, and that someone is playing games, and has been libeling everyone in the name of chimeralives. I would never do that.

The hackers deleted OLVSKATSONLINE on YouTube and then deleted only posts from the Unofficial Star Trek Chimera web site on google, of which I was only temporarily locked out. They posted three names from the trekweb blog, probably to trick us into thinking it was them. It would be insanely dumb for the actual people at trekweb to post their names. I'll leave it up though.

However note that one of the unnamed trekweb bloggers, mad that the poster, an impostor, might be me, linked to the google account in question hours before said hacking. That was probably the most insane thing.

Oh yeah, and I would never print slurs about homosexuality online. Really people.We've been played. They stacked the deck.

PS. Now I know it's all been some sick game with some hacker. It had nothing to do with current trekweb people, but that account there needs to be toast.I am the editor in chief of this site and blog master.

Kal Kat

Monday, October 6, 2014
TrekCore site hacked by YouTube bots
About a week ago this month, YouTube officially closed down TrekCore as a pay site for copyright violation, claiming that CBS and Paramount sent a desist notice to them. I ran it past the IT guy and he said it's likely not just a bot. The site was not really violating their copyright, so it was likely someone banned from TrekCore wh was jealous and out for revenge.

 Anyway, I am not banned from TrekCore so it wasn't me.

Technically they could have been selling merchandize on the sly and that's what did it, or running bootleg pictures and music, if they hasd been flagged for that, but their IT guy posted that it was a bot attack and not that.
Well if you believe their IT guy.

No world yet on if anyone is interested in restoring defunct TrekWeb to life and Steve hasn't gotten back to Gus or anyone really.
Posted by quarkuskitty at 12:30 PM No comments:

Thursday, May 15, 2014
Trekweb is still dead and Trekcore is annoying
No amount of commentary will bring back Trekweb and over on Trekcore they are just as annoying. The former TW people are there, including the hacker, and are posting insane rants. I am also there and not poised to take it over, as that would be stupid.

Recently they were ranting about Orci taking over the helm of Star Trek 13.

Earlier last month they were ranting that they were right about the DS9 finale which they thought was awesome literature and total genius, which was not the case. The finale was a hack job just tying up dumb events.

Nonetheless we have no plans to take over trek sites. If you want to find what's left of their facebook, it's now a petition to revive Star Trek V. Lots of luck there.

Ironically at this point chimera82405 agrees with some of the TW people about Orci being wrong but acceptable given his history. This is an opinion and not meant as journalism.

Posted by quarkuskitty

Friday, February 7, 2014
Trekweb is not dead but show runner is absent Chimera is over on TrekCore but over on TrekWeb there are still some stragglers and nobody is running the show. I suspect the moderator is trying to weed them out by not answering and ignoring them, until they've given up, but they have OCD and keep persisting. They have nearly given up. It is time for us to move in and take over. Hah.
Posted by quarkuskitty at 4:27 PM No comments:

Friday, January 3, 2014
Trekweb is on Life Support
The creators of Trekweb, the longest running Trek blog BBS in net history, run by Steve Kurtzner, is now a mess with four or five trolls posting there over the past week, left over from the Chimera incident. Chimera then reappeared on TrekCore under our purview and has been razzed there also.

The other Chimera who posted libel has disappeared, as it turned out this was a hacker troll who got access to that old account on Trekweb after I posted, and wanted me banned.

The facebook site for Trekweb is down also, because Chimera's new posts were there and aren't anymore. Someone running that site plagiarized his stories from Trekcore and puchished one there, to which Chimera then contacted the moderators and had them pull it. He did not pull the site. He just played net cop.

Trekweb still doesn't have Steve to come back and fix it, and he obviously doesn't care anymore, so this Gus is still there as one of their moderators.
Chimera is not.

One month since Chimera left and they're still on life support dying. Maybe the sit should have left him around just for entertainment, then even thje troll would have come back and at leasdt bad news would have been good.
We except Trekweb to expire by mid January when the server finally times out.

Update. Two other ex TrekWeb people, editors from the site, and a half dozen over posters, have fled with Chimera to TrekCore.com, another web site run by the remains of the admins from the site Steve abandoned. 

The TrekWeb site went down in 2014.

Chimera is the pen name of Kal Kat, the pen name of Adam Browne, a freelancer whose claim to fame is published novels and unsold Star Trek teleplays. 

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