Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Fringe Theories: Bible Giants Are a Fantasy

Thursday, November 26, 2015
Discussing Giants of the Ancient Past
I have not seen a reason to cover the giant myths of folklore and of the Jason C. blogs, only because it is his territory, and also because the fringe doesn't like it.I've chosen to go into it now though. Sure, why not.

First of all, it is a staple of fantasy to include giant people, those over 7 feet who are massive in strength and stature, and can crush the average man.

Since there are megafauna, that is animals that are giants, it is certainly reasonable to have fantasies based on finding their bones and imagine what kind of man produced them, even if you know full well it was a horse hind leg, an elephant skull, or a whale bone.

The cyclops of ancient myth, although not really a giant, could have been a mistaken reading of an elephant skull, as it has that funny middle part that is where the trunk attaches.

The giants of old as thought of in the Babylonian stories are similar to those in the Bible. They are often described as large people, physically taller than the natives writing the story. Goliath for instance was allegedly 9 feet tall.

The Nephilim are not really giants. They were great rulers according to some myths about the Babylonians and the Bible later.

Some confusion with the Bible stories, of which some groups completely disregard as myths, arises from making the statements about great kings of men and great sized kings of men.

Great warriors also got the giant treatment, erroneously thought of as mighty as in tall, and not merely mighty as in strong. Someone built like Arnold from Terminator looks tall an imposing, when he is tall but not over 6 foot 2, and yet his mass is great. Most basketball players are well over 6 foot 8.

Some of the confusion is translation error. You get a story where a giant allegedly stalks, and it turns out it was an animal.

The other blogs have already gone into much of this, so really there is little point in me going there. If there were giant human bones, we would have found them. There. Also I classify a giant as any humanoid over 7 feet tall.

I am in agreement with Jason C.'s web site about the giants, so there is no reason to really delve into what he's gone over. I do not know him and troll his blog on occasion.

Anyway, to the ancient mighty kings, well that is just powerful kings. They might not have been actually very tall.

Goliath may not have actually been 9 feet tall. He was likely closer to 7 feet tall, and the Hebrew measuring was different then. A 7 foot tall person in Canaan is entirely possible.

The Nephilim are supposed to be angel and human hybrids, but since we've no direct evidence of angels in the first place, by proxy they don't count as giants. They also don't count as ancient aliens. Some say they were likely meant as a story stand in for an earlier ancient group that ticked off the storyteller of Genesis, so he made it sound like God hated them for being like that.

The Cyclops is not a giant. If you look in the original Greek, he is big but nor a giant.

The Menataur might have been larger though.

If Centaurs weren't just men on horseback and were really half horse men, they would be tall.

Zeus however was supposed to be a giant.

Some of the Egyptian statues are mistaken by fringe people as representations of actual giants, and also other statues like at Easter Island, or later ones. This just assumes that people cared literally what they saw, which they cannot know. So no, they didn't. They just are making a statement, not a representation of an actual being they saw. A tall statue is more interesting than a shorter statue is all.

 If Pegasus and Unicorns weren't someone just high on mushrooms or local seeds...but that's not about giants....so yeah.

Like the Bigfoot, nobody has ever brought proof of a giant skeleton of a man, although in nature, men can group to impressive height caused by a disease that messes with their stature.

All of the giant skeletons are misread animals or hoaxes, all of them.

Then the fringe has the audacity to claim the science community is hiding the truth from the public and they have secret info, on the internet, in 2015. Uh, right. Like no.

So the alleged Watchers are some other group, but from Lovecraft and other fantasy writers, they're made up.

The reptilians of fantasy are said to be big, because dinosaurs, but still it's kind of sketchy.

The insect cannot grow very large unless it's a hybrid.

Nobody is hiding the truth because these guys can't prove it is hidden.

Also it is funny to recant and copy and paste other texts and then complain about being caught.

Even so, the only Giants I know of are a baseball team. :)

Originally published under Freelance Kitty 14 web site. 

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